Privacy Policy


Data subjects: users who visit the website of “BURATTI MECCANICA S.R.L.”


Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter “Regulation” or “GDPR”), this page describes the methods of processing the personal data of users who visit the “BURATTI MECCANICA S.R.L.” website accessible online at the following address:

This information does not apply to other websites, pages, or online services accessible via hyperlinks that may be published on this site but refer to resources outside the domain.


Following the consultation of this site, data relating to identified or identifiable individuals may be processed. The data controller is “BURATTI MECCANICA S.R.L.,” with registered and operational office at Via Archimede, 535 – 47521 Case Castagnoli di Cesena (FC) and operational office at Via Archimede, 235 – 47521 Case Castagnoli di Cesena (FC), VAT number: 00338300403.


1) Browsing Data

– Legal Basis: “data processing necessary for website navigation” – contractual obligation – Article 6 paragraph 1 letter b) GDPR.

– The IT systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

– This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers and terminals used by users, the URI/URL (Uniform Resource Identifier/Locator) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.), and other parameters related to the user’s operating system and IT environment. These data, necessary for navigating the site and accessing the information it contains, are also processed by the data controller to:

  – Obtain aggregate and anonymous statistical information on the use of the site (most visited pages, number of visitors per time slot or daily, geographical areas of origin of visitors, etc.);

  – Monitor the correct usability of the site’s content;

  – Prevent or counter any possible IT crime, fraudulent use of the site’s available features, including the reconstruction of security incidents and their traceability.

Retention Period: 

Browsing data will be retained for a period not exceeding the technical purposes described above for which they are collected and processed, unless it is necessary to ascertain crimes by the judicial authority.

2) Data Provided by the User

– Legal Basis: “data processing necessary to respond to users’ inquiries” – contractual obligation – Article 6 paragraph 1 letter b) GDPR.

– The optional, explicit, and voluntary sending of messages to the contact addresses of “BURATTI MECCANICA S.R.L.,” private messages sent by users to institutional profiles/pages on social media (where this possibility is provided), as well as the completion and submission of forms on the “BURATTI MECCANICA S.R.L.” websites, entail the acquisition of the sender’s contact details, necessary to respond, as well as all personal data included in the communications.

– Specific information is published on the site’s pages prepared for the provision of certain services, where necessary user consent is collected by informing each time about the purposes and the optional nature of providing data.

Retention Period:

Data provided by the user are retained for the time necessary to handle individual requests. Subsequent retention for statistical purposes involves anonymization of these data (unless it is necessary to ascertain crimes by the judicial authority).

3) Cookies and Other Tracking Systems

– Technical Cookies: necessary for user navigation, facilitate correct navigation of the site, and usability of the content by the user. **Legal Basis:** “contract as functional and necessary.”

– Analytical Cookies: used to process aggregate statistical analyses on the use and interaction with the site by the user. User consent is required. **Legal Basis:** “consent.”

– Profiling Cookies: allow collecting information about user preferences during navigation and processing reports to be used for targeted advertising and marketing campaigns. **Legal Basis:** “consent.”

Information on data processing, purpose, duration, and complete management of cookies, including consent and revocation, are available in the “Cookie Management” document also found in the footer.

4) Social Media Policy: Information on the processing of personal data through the used Social Media platforms

For information on personal data processing carried out by the operators of Social Media platforms, refer to the information provided by them through their respective privacy policies. The data controller processes personal data provided by users through the pages of the dedicated Social Media platforms within its promotional and advertising purposes, to manage interactions with users (comments, public posts, messages, shares, etc.) in compliance with the current data protection regulations and this information notice; where necessary, user consent is collected by informing each time about the purposes and the optional nature of providing data.

Personal or “sensitive” data entered in comments or public posts on social media channels may be removed.

The platforms used are:

– Facebook: [](

– Instagram: [](

– LinkedIn: [—bike-repair-&-charge](—bike-repair-&-charge)

– YouTube: [](


Data collected following consultation of some of the services listed above are recipients of the data controller’s designated entities under Article 28 of the Regulation, as data processors, and other service providers within the scope of web-agency, digital communication, system support, and other digital service providers. The complete list can be requested by writing to

Some data and information may be transmitted or acquired by entities identified as independent controllers. These data usually relate to cookies that are anonymized before being sent for statistical purposes. In the case of transfers to non-EU countries, the guarantees adopted will be indicated, described in section 6 of this document.

Personal data collected are also processed by “BURATTI MECCANICA S.R.L.” staff, who act based on specific instructions regarding the purposes and methods of the processing.


Personal data transmitted and stored for the necessary time for the declared purposes are protected by specific technical and organizational security measures under Article 32 of the Regulation, capable of ensuring on a permanent basis the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and ability to promptly restore the availability and access to personal data in case of physical or technical incidents, also against risks of destruction, loss, modification, unauthorized disclosure, or access, accidentally or unlawfully, to personal data transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed.


The data controller does not transfer personal data to non-EU countries. Should it become necessary, the data subjects will be informed in advance, and guarantee measures will be adopted for the transfer to recipients, which may include: verification of the existence of adequacy decisions for the recipient country by the Commission, signing standard contractual clauses, verification of the adoption of any supplementary measures in compliance with recommendation 01/2020 EDPB. In derogation of such guarantees, for data processing (with reference to Article 49 of the GDPR), where applicable, the existence of a contract or pre-contractual measures in favour of the data subject or consent to the transfer will be verified.


Data subjects have the right to obtain from “BURATTI MECCANICA S.R.L.,” in the cases provided, access to their personal data, rectification, deletion of the same, limitation of processing that concerns them, data portability, or to oppose the processing and to revoke consent (where used as the legal basis) pursuant to Articles 15 to 22 of the Regulation.

Requests should be submitted through the contact details of “BURATTI MECCANICA S.R.L.,” with registered and operational office at Via Archimede, 535 – 47521 Case Castagnoli di Cesena (FC) and operational office at Via Archimede, 235 – 47521 Case Castagnoli di Cesena (FC).

For exercising rights, it is also possible to use the form prepared and available on the website of the Data Protection Authority at this link: [Data Subject Rights Form](


Data subjects who believe that the processing of personal data concerning them carried out through this site is in violation of the Regulation have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, as provided by Article 77 of the Regulation, or to take appropriate legal action (Article 79 of the Regulation). The complaint form is available on the website of the Data Protection Authority at this link: [Complaint Form](