The new edition of the Cycling Tourism Fair (Fiera del Cicloturismo) organized by Bikenomist at the DumBO space in Bologna has recently taken place, a meeting point for supply and demand for everything revolving around the world of cycling tourism.
During the Cycling Tourism Forum day, which was reserved for operators, on Friday, April 5th, Lorenzo Buratti, founder and “mind” behind the entire Clorofilla project, participated in the Pecha Kucha dedicated to success stories in the sector.
In a ride made up of twenty slides and just over six minutes, he condensed some of the key points of the world of Clorofilla to tell the audience of professionals what we do and what ideas drive us.

The Bolognese Fair is becoming the Italian reference point for cycling tourism, with many destinations participating to present their projects for the enhancement and promotion of the territory and to meet enthusiasts who travel by bike and the curious who are starting to consider choosing the bike for their vacations.
As cyclists ourselves, we know the potential not only economic but also social and human of traveling by bike. This is why we welcomed the news that the sector grew by 35% in 2023 compared to the previous year, in total contrast to a rather stagnant bike market (Isnart/Legambiente report “Traveling by bike 2024”).
A good sign that what is growing is primarily the use of the bike and not so much the bike product, which is what really matters. For us, the bike is above all a way of looking at things, an experience to live, a discovery tool.
From experience, we know that the cycle traveler is more interested in the function of his bike rather than the bike itself, in line with what we love to do in Clorofilla, where we strive to promote the use of the bike rather than the bike as a product.
We therefore thank the organizers of the Cycling Tourism Fair for this opportunity to introduce our charging stations and all Clorofilla products to new people, certain that the future that awaits us is increasingly on two wheels.