Moving Base

Every Colonnina station comes complete with Fischer dowels to fix it to the ground (it needs of course a solid pavement like cement, asphalt or similar).

The moving base for those situations where you can’t fix your Clorofilla to the ground, for example where you can use the soil but you are not authorized to fix anything on it, or if you prefer to grant a controlled access to the station.

For instance, if you have a shop (a bar, a restaurant, etc.) and you want to provide a service for your customers, maybe you prefer to storage it inside during your closing hours.


Dimensions: 65 x 65 cm
Weight: 15 kg

Standard colouring
glossy black

Why you should choose it

The moving base makes the use of you Clorofilla station even easier, as you can avoid to fix it to the ground.

You can screw it to the Clorofilla station through the provided screws and it allows you to move the station by just tilting it and grabbing it by the rubber arms thanks to its solid wheels.

A person alone will be able to move it easily without any effort.

Attention: not compatible with Spot model.

All the flexibility you need

Watch the video and discover how it’s easy to move your Clorofilla where you need it.